BUT... this year is different. Marriage is a very new thing for the mister and I and making it last is our top priority.
SO... Thanks to Pinterest I've come up with a couple things that we can do daily to strengthen our relationship.
We will be keeping a journal of our peaks, pits, and prayers of the day. It is a small something that I think will truly make us realize how much good we have in our life and how the pits of the day are just small meaningless speed bumps in our long road of happiness.
We both find ourselves praying individually more than as a couple and with the new year that is something we want to change. With the busy life we lead it is so easy to get sidetracked and not make time for daily prayer as a couple and it is something I personally think brings couples together and strengthens the bond between husband and wife, so this year this is a major resolution of ours.

Twenty twelve is sure to bring many changes in the Gautreaux household and we are strapped in and ready for the ride of a little thing called LIFE.
Happy New Year!!!
P.S. I wouldn't mind loosing ten pounds and having a six pack by summer too ;)