Thursday, November 28, 2013

thankful and blessed

This year I have so much to be thankful for, an amazing husband, beautiful baby boy, great job, family, friends, and happiness. I mean I am living my dream life.  I have been waiting so long for this point in my life and it is marvelous and more than I could have ever dreamed possible. These boys of mine have me wrapped around their fingers. They are simply the best gift I could have ever asked for and I thank God every single day for them. They bring a smile to my face even on my worst days. My family and friends are so supportive and loving, I couldn't ask for better people to be around my son. My students are the best. I am so lucky to have gotten a job at such an amazing school with such great students. They love learning so much and that makes me so happy. I seriously love my job! I am the happiest I have ever been and look forward to what the future holds for my little family. We have love, laughter, and happiness and thats all I could ask for.

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1 comment:

  1. I love when teachers count their job/students as a blessing. I totally agree -- teaching is a privilege and a fantastic job! :)
    -- Erin


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