I seriously can not believe we have made it to the third trimester! These months are going by so fast and we are getting so close to meeting our little man. He already has a mind of his own and it kind of scares me for when he gets here!! Every time we go for an ultrasound he is either covering his face or turned around facing my back so we can't get a good face shot!! He is also moving like a crazy man in there. The ultrasound tech always comments on how active he is!! Silly boy is going to be such a handful once he gets here. It still seems so crazy to think about a little human being in my belly. I love him so much already and just cant wait to meet him (well we can wait a little longer, he needs to grow some more before making his grand entrance into the world)!!
How far along? 28 Weeks
Size of baby gautreaux? Baby Gautreaux is the size of a chinese cabbage
Total weight gain/loss: +11
Maternity clothes? Still going back and forth but pretty much living in dresses and maxi skirts.
Stretch marks? Sadly I think the growth spurt ones on my sides might be growing. They are turning red! I have been lathering the belly butter on them but I think it might just be out of my control. UHHH
Sleep: It is so up and down. Some nights it is amazing and some nights I am up constantly.
Best moment this week: Painting the nursery, starting the third trimester, and seeing his cute little self during our ultrasound!!!
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? Still wanting ham sandwiches and a strawberry margarita!!
Movement: Oh yes!! He is like the karate kid in there but I love it so much! I am going to miss this so much once he is here!
Food cravings: Lately it has just been what sounds good that day.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Symptoms: Last week I had my first experience with Braxton Hicks. They didn't hurt but they were happening every 3 minutes so Hubby was freaking out!! He was ready to head to the hospital when I read that all is good unless they start to hurt so he calmed down after that!! All I could do was laugh. Otherwise I am starting to feel huge. I know it is only going to get worse but man my belly feels like it is about to bust!! It is crazy how your belly grows and grows while you are pregnant.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!!
Have you started to show yet: Yep
Gender: BOY!!!!!
Labor Signs: No real labor signs just BH
Belly Button in or out? Still in!! I can't believe it has lasted this long but it is still hanging in there!!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Looking forward to: Redoing the garage sale dresser we found to make his changing table and decorating the nursery!!