Christmas time around our house is busy, very busy. That is the way it has always been and we are totally fine with it. We decided a long time ago that we wanted to spend our holidays with our family and if that meant we went to five different places on Christmas then thats what we would do. So this year was no different, well except the fact that we toted around a fourth month old too!! It wasn't easy, but so worth it to see the joy that Cooper brought our families just made my heart so happy.
Cooper had lots of Christmas jammies and onesies but here are a few of our favorites
Gautreaux Family Christmas and Coopers first experience with Santa…. it didn't go so well!
We went to our usual spot to get our Christmas tree but this year had so much meaning. Bringing my child to the same place I went to get my Christmas tree as a child is just the best. I loved going there as a little girl and I hope he does too!
Our tree was just as big but I did not put anywhere near the amount of stuff as I did last year! But we still loved it so much and already miss it!
This year we also went to Acadian Village. Every year they decorate the entire place with lights and it is absolutely magical. It is so beautiful to see it all lit up and this church is my favorite!! So beautiful! While we were there we got to see my little brother perform with his high school jazz band! They did great and it worked out to be Cooper's dinner time so he was quiet the entire time! Cooper also got to see Santa for the first time and could care less! We tried everything to get my normally smily boy to give us a grin and we got nothin! Ha!! Little stinker!

We decided that since it was Cooper's first Christmas we would make presents for his grand-parents, great-grand parents, and his nanny. We thought it would be a piece of cake but the joke was on us! It was a mess!! Those cute little toes of his would crinkle up every time I was about to press it on the cup! We got smart the second time and James fed him while I pressed his feet on the cups! We ended up making 9 mugs total and it was a nightmare but to see how happy they all were to get them made it worth it!!
The Saturday before Christmas we went over to James' parents house for our Gautreaux/Gilbert Christmas. His mom (Cooper's Mimzy) went all out and had her house beautifully decorated and they cooked a delicious meal! One of the fun things we did was she got those popper things, but these had whistles in them for us to play songs! It was super cute and fun!! They even had these really stylish crowns for everyone to wear! ;)
Cooper's second visit with Santa went much better than the first one! He ate right before he took his picture so he was a happy baby when he got to Santa. The best part was that there was no line and it was FREE!! I couldn't believe I had spent money on the first no-smile picture and got this happy baby picture for free! We are hoping this Santa is comes back next year!!
One of Cooper's favorite people.. his Nanhan! She is my first cousin and we are three months apart. We grew up more like sisters than cousins and she has been such a big help since Cooper has arrived! Hannah, just like Cooper's nanny, is moving to New Orleans this summer and we are super bummed! But now we have two big ole reasons to go visit this summer!!

Christmas morning was the best!! Cooper decided it would be a good day to sleep in but James and I were so excited we were up at 6 am just watching him sleep! When he finally woke up around 7 he was in the best mood! We figured he wouldn't care about opening presents Christmas morning but we were wrong! He loved it! He would get so excited when he could see what the present was! So cute!! We got to open our presents together and then he went down for his morning nap while James and I got ready for the busy day ahead. We had lunch in Baton Rouge at James' grandmothers, went visit my family when we got back and then finished the night at Maw-Maw's with the other side of my family. It was busy but great. Cooper did fantastic and got so much love, attention and lots of fun gifts!
little stinker wouldn't wake up |
these are the kinds of faces he would make every time we would open a gift |
our fur babies had fun too |
The necklace James got me! He went out and did this all on his own and I was so impressed! He is the sweetest!!! |